Our Tech Talk quarterly, free knowledge transfer session is Tuesday May 10th at 8:00AM. This session is designed for technical staff responsible for technology support in your organization. Attendees at our previous meetings have given us the highest ratings for the quality of our presentations.

CSI Tech Talk meeting Tuesday May 10th – Sign Up Now! – *Updated Agenda*

CSI Tech Talk Webinar “Introduction to Microsoft Group Policy” – Recording Available
This month Scott Quimby provides an overview of Microsoft Group Policy. Group Policy is Microsoft’s preferred way to control the personality and many of the basic security options of domain joined Microsoft Windows computers or servers on a network. It is split into two distinct types of policies.

CSI Tech Talk Webinar – Tuesday April 19th 10:30am
CSI is pleased to announce the second of our Tech Talk webinar series on Tuesday April 19th at 10:30m. This is in addition to our quarterly Tech Talk meetings. Our hope is that this is a way for you to quickly keep current on some of the latest technical news and information between our regular meetings.