The Snort IPS engine is at the core of both the Cisco Firepower Threat Defense and Cisco Meraki IPS systems. Maintained by Cisco’s Talos Group, the Snort Engine, and its signatures are licensed to the world via the open source GPL and as such it is the most widely distributed IPS engine in the world.
Your Weekly Tech Tidbit – A look at 2017’s top fired Snort Signatures
Your Weekly Tech Tidbit – Security – Back to Basics Part I
Now that the NFL season is over we turn our eyes to Valentines Day when Yankees Pitchers and Catchers report for Spring training. It is the time of the baseball year when we go back to basics to shake the rust off the foundational aspects of the game.
Your Weekly Tech Tidbit – Spectre and Meltdown
I wanted this week to take a few minutes to share with you our latest thinking on the Intel Spectre and Meltdown fiasco. In a nutshell, there are two issues: An actual hardware flaw that exists in Intel and other compatible processor chips.