Chaos or Teamwork?

Have you ever been part of a group where a leader has not been clearly identified? It takes twice as long to get anything done and arguing and conflict are the order of the day. Cybersecurity in your district works the same way.

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Are your old userids opening the door to Cyber attackers?

We have all heard the phrase “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link”. When it comes to Cyber Security that phrase is all too true. Sometimes a Cyber Attack comes in via something that appears small (like a user clicking on an email link). Sometimes that small thing is an unused userid that […]

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Your Weekly Tech Tidbit…Risky Business

In August of 2021, CISA added “Single Factor Authentication” to its list of practices it considers “exceptionally risky” as it exposes you to an “unnecessary risk from threat actors”. Your district auditors and the NYS Comptroller’s Office technology auditors are most likely pestering you about your multi-factor authentication (MFA) strategies and beginning to ding you […]

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Does Cyber Insurance Justify Risky Behavior?

Far too often we hear people say “I don’t need to worry about security tools and training, I have Cyber Insurance”. While this doesn’t apply to everyone, we did want to take the time this week to talk about why Cyber Insurance isn’t enough to give your district the protection it needs and deserves.

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Teamwork is the Best Defense Against Cyber Crime

Whether you are a sports enthusiast, a volunteer, or part of a work team, you have experienced first-hand the importance of good teamwork. We have all experienced what happens when a team works together, and when a team does not.

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