We have been discussing a whole lot of security issues over this past year. Many of you are already moving forward to address many of our recommendations. However, some of you are paralyzed in figuring out how to absorb some of the new costs for the new security technologies that your district now absolutely requires […]
Weekly Tech Tidbits – Baby steps to better security
Weekly Tech Tidbit – If only we had…. a sharing of lessons learned from those hit with a security incident on their networks
While we can never say, all is well in the world of network security, this week I feel I can write to you about something other than a US-CERT alert. This week’s topic – an interesting Cisco Talos blog post on the top 5 recommendations the Cisco Incident Response Team, looking back over the past […]
Weekly Tech Tidbit – Warning, Warning – Danger Will Robinson – Change your passwords
As I write this, Netflix is bringing back a new version of “Lost in Space”. Hopefully, it is better than the movie and truer to the original series. Bob has been on a roll with US-Cert announcements (danger, danger Will Robinson) about threats the last few weeks.