Trend Micro has stated many times that you have approximately 4 minutes between when a threat enters your network and the infection breaks out. But who can respond that quickly? I have often said if we leave questions on the computer up to our end users, we have failed.

Weekly Tech Tidbit – While You Were Sleeping – The Importance of a Security Operations Center

Weekly Tech Tidbit – I gotta new phone … oh no! The dark side of multi-factor authentication
At some point in your life, you probably were locked out of something – your house, your car, your office. I am sure it was awful trying to figure out how you were going to solve that problem. However, to add to your stress, we now have all this sensitive data online and on our […]

Weekly Tech Tidbit – How to stop Google’s syncing madness
Most of Google’s products are free. The reason is that you are their product. Their computers read your emails. They send you targeted ads based upon what you read and write. They track your location. They track your likes and dislikes. They have made your life more convenient by syncing all your Google Chrome data.

Weekly Tech Tidbit – I’m from the state and I’m here to help! – Surviving a technology audit
It is important to have accountability to the taxpayers independently proving that each school district has adequate financial controls in place and is properly managing the money it has been entrusted. In this era of identity theft, ransomware, and electronic financial theft, it is equally important to have adequate technical controls in place to protect […]