As we approach the holiday break it is time once again to remember some basic maintenance that should be done. On a day where there isn’t any bad weather predicted and there have been no power outages I want you to calibrate all your UPSes. Calibration allows an APC Smart UPS to re-evaluate itself.
Weekly Tech Tidbit – Make Sure You Calibrate Your UPSes
Weekly Tech Tidbit – The FBI Came To Visit…
The FBI came to visit us last week. No it wasn’t an investigation. It was for CSI’s 3rd annual Security Event. I have talked about the topic of Cyber Threats in person and on-line, but our Supervisory Special Agent had a few interesting things to say beyond the topics Bob and I have been discussing […]
Weekly Tech Tidbit – Is your new security system increasing your network risk?
I am watching with some interest a growing trend with district’s implementing newer IP-based building systems (HVAC control, food service temperature controls, door control, video surveillance, etc.) and when properly implemented I think this a fine thing.
Weekly Tech Tidbit – 2020 Is Coming
As you go through your normal yearly planning cycles remember that in January 2020 Microsoft will be retiring Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, and Microsoft Exchange 2010. That means no security updates and no vendor support if something goes wrong.