Today’s NIST topic is data recovery. The most obvious example of meeting this NIST standard is maintaining good backups. This is something we have all been doing forever, but as long as we have done it, I constantly see the same issues over and over.
Your Weekly Tech Tidbit… NIST Data Recovery
Gain Visibility and Support with Co-Managed IT (CoMITs) – Recording Available
There are pros and cons to each of these scenarios. However, we believe we have a better way to deliver high-quality support to your district. It is called Co-Managed IT services (Co-MITS). It combines the best of your district staff with CSI’s technical and monitoring capabilities to create a powerful, responsive, flexible support team.
Your Weekly Tech Tidbit… Taking a look at NIST controls
Today we continue our look at a series of practical steps that districts can use to increase their NIST compliance. Looking at the complete set of NIST controls can be a daunting experience. One of the best ways we have found to make these cybersecurity improvements more attainable is following the CIS Controls Top […]