We hope that you enjoyed your summer. With the start of the school year we are back to our normal schedules. We wanted to let you get a jump on your calendar reservations for next year's Tech Talk sessions.
The planned dates for these sessions are:
- Tuesday, October 22, snow date Oct 29
- Monday, January 27, snow date Jan 28
- Monday, March 17, snow date Mar 18
- Monday, May 19
Topics covered in previous sessions have included:
- Implementing Windows 8
- Active Directory best practices
- Planning for Office 2013
- Basic VMware Management
- SQL Best Practices
- Group Policy Management
- Scripting application deployment
- Basic SAN management
- UPS best practices
- Wireless LAN Security Tips
- and much more!
Actual topics for each of the upcoming sessions will be announced approximately 2 weeks prior to the particular session.
There is no cost to you for these sessions. All sessions will run from 8:00AM to approximately 12:00PM. Breakfast and lunch will be served.
Again more details will come out prior to each session along with a request to pre-register as seating is limited.
Please reserve these dates on your calendar and look for more information about our first session this fall coming to your inbox in early October!
Scott Quimby & Bob Knapp
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