Weekly Tech Tidbit – External Vulnerability Scans

April 26th, 2019
Weekly Tech Tidbit – External Vulnerability Scans

Do you know how secure you are from the outside world?  Maybe you're new and inherited a network, or there has been so much churn over the years with servers being added and retired and software previously available in-house now being hosted?   Maybe you have just lost track of patching?

Regardless of the reason, a service we offer is to do an external vulnerability scan of the district's external IP addresses.  We'll see what is answering from the internet and how your devices are answering.  We'll evaluate whether there are missing patches or configuration settings that you might want to change.

If you are interested, give Lisa a call at 845-897-9480 x3215.  We'll need your *external* IP address space range (i.e. not 10.x, 192.x or 172.x addresses, but the "true" internal addresses assigned to you).