The other day my credit card company's fraud unit called the house. They asked if I had made purchases at a Wal-Mart in Houston, Texas. I had not. My credit card was in my pocket. I haven't been to Houston since the 1980s. Someplace locally that I had visited had a data breach. The credit card company would not tell me where. My credit card information was stolen. Purchases were being made. Thankfully the credit card company caught the issue and cancelled the card and notified me. However, this does highlight that thieves are starting to focus on smaller firms in hopes that their security procedures are more lax making it easier to steal both money and information.
CSI's Paladin Remote Monitoring service can help you have extra eyes monitoring what is going with the computers and servers on your network. CSI believes in layered security. In addition to 24x7x365 monitoring we also suggest firewalls which monitor traffic patterns both in and out vs. the traditional firewalls that only block traffic from the outside. Then we recommend centralized security patching and anti-virus/anti-malware monitoring.
Recently Microsoft said that only 5% of the infections were actually due to new viruses (read my post "If you have a virus, Microsoft says you probably could have prevented it"_. They stated that the rest were due to failure to implement their published security recommendations. In addition to real-time monitoring each week CSI's Paladin Remote Monitoring service evaluates each Microsoft server and workstation under monitoring by running Microsoft's Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) evaluating against Microsoft's best practices for that week.
To find out more about how CSI can help your business, contact us. |
The "Wall Street Journal" published an excellent article on this growing threat to smaller firms. You can read about it here.
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