Small business owners. Do you have an IT plan?

September 23rd, 2011

In speaking with small business owners on a daily basis I have found that many of them have not put together either a short or long term plan for their company's technology needs. Most times you'll hear, "we'll get it fixed later as long as it's working", or "maybe next year".  While there are always certain items that can wait for another day, there are also many technology issues which may be quite painful (or even catostrophic) to defer.  It is never too late to start an IT planning process.  If we can avoid major issues and maximize the stability and reliability of your computer network, it will ultimately save you money and increase your productivity.  When was the last time you completely assessed your computer network and overall IT needs?  The following article outlines some of the more common errors businesses can make in relation to their IT needs.  As a business owner I'm sure you are quite busy doing what you do.  Many of these common mistakes are easy to make and unintentional.  Do you see any of these challenges in your own company's IT?  CSI offers a free, no obligation network assessment to get a feeling for exactly what is going on with your computer network.  If you'd like to have our opinion of how you're doing, then contact CSI and we'll setup your free assessment.

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