
Macs Need Advanced Endpoint Protection Too

I can’t tell how many times I have heard from non-technical Mac people that, “they don’t need anti-virus.” The Apple person that sold them their Mac told them that. I have pointed out that Apple’s technical folks make a strong recommendation for anti-virus in their technical documents despite sales claims to the contrary.

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Weekly Tech Tidbit – Data Leaks

We have to be constantly vigilant to prevent malware, trojans, and other bad actors from taking root in our school networks to steal personally identifiable information (PIA) and money.   Besides web filtering, antivirus, patching, and now advanced endpoint protection, we also have to look at policies.

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CSI Fall / Winter Event Schedule

The school year has started and we’re anxious to update you on what our webinar, seminar, and Tech Talk schedule for the Fall and Winter. Wednesday, September 26th 10:30 pm – Webinar – Troubleshooting SCCM Configuration Manager. Wednesday, October 3rd 10:00 am – 3:00 pm – Cisco Meraki Hands-On Workshop at CSI. Tuesday, October 23rd […]

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CSI is pleased to announce that we are an approved reseller under the NCPA Cooperative Purchasing Alliance

Through our partnership with Synnex Corporation CSI is an approved vendor on the NCPA national purchasing contract which is a legal alternative for our public sector and K-12 clients to either the NYS OGS or Federal GSA IT Schedule 70 contracts.NCPA (National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance) NCPA  is a leading national government purchasing cooperative working to […]

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How to troubleshoot email for Google Apps – Recording Available

One of the most frustrating things for users and the technical staff that support them is erratic email flow.  Often users and staff don’t know that their email is stuck or being rejected.  By the time the technical staff often realize there is a problem, a whole lot of email has backed up – or […]

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CSI Tech Talk Dates for the 2017-2018 School Year

We wanted to let you know the CSI Tech Talk meeting and webinar dates for the 2017-2018 school year. Our Tech Talk free knowledge transfer sessions are designed for technical staff responsible for technology support in your organization. Attendees at our previous meetings have given us the highest ratings for the quality of our presentations.

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