
Using CPGs in Real Life – Perform and Test Backups

What would you do if you came into school tomorrow and were told that all your District’s data had been corrupted? Your next step would be to check in with your IT staff to see if they were clearing your system and restoring your data with a backup.

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Tech Tidbit – Two ways to sanely maintain remote endpoints

The reality of many K-12 school districts is that you either have handed out or are handing out laptops to teachers and critical staff to get through this quarantine.   All those great tools you had been using: WSUS, SCCM, and KACE are now functionally useless for those remote users.

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Weekly Tech Tidbit – Secure Remote Access

As I write this on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, I do hope that this message finds you well and staying safe as we all adapt to our new normal under the COVID-19 regulations. We all hope this lasts as short a time as possible. Rest assured that the team at CSI seamlessly transitioned into our […]

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Weekly Tech Tidbit Extra – VPN Best Practices

As part of our client school district’s response for Corona virus preparedness, we see an uptick in requests for VPN access into the school district’s networks.  With the potential increase in VPN users and remote connections into your district’s systems, we thought now would be a good time to remind you of a few best practices […]

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Proper disaster recovery planning adverts a total tech meltdown

A few months ago it wasn’t a good morning for technology in our organization.   First the text message came to me at 7:00 am stating that, “the office was down” meaning that it was no longer accessible from the internet.  I then received the next text message, “could I check it out since I […]

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