
Tech Tidbit – Beware of SEO Poisoning

I read an article today in which a judge declared that Google monopolized search. Well, that is a big duh! How long did it take the government to figure that out? Today, I will not debate the merits of Google’s status. I have a far more serious security concern to discuss.

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Tech Tidbit – A Different Take on Worldwide Backup Awareness Day

I read the other day that today is “Worldwide Backup Awareness Day.” I have no idea who declares these days. I am guessing you already know you should have good backups and air-gapped backups. However, I am taking the liberty of morphing this into more sophisticated forms of backups.

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Tech Tidbit – Second Opinions

A year ago, my very short wife sat in a restaurant during March Madness on a bar stool that was too tall for her. The result was that while getting down off the stool, she blew out a disk in her back and was in tremendous pain. We went to a local ortho walk-in clinic.

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Tech Tidbit – Managing and Protecting Local Administrator Accounts

Microsoft has tried hard to increase awareness of “pass the hash” attacks. They have been patching, but the threats keep coming. Back in April Microsoft released something quite awesome – their next-generation Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS). Quite simply LAPS allows you to automatically rotate the password for a designated “local administrator” account on endpoints.

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Tech Tidbit – I am proud of you

Late in the afternoon on a Friday, I created a bit of a scare for those of you who are part of our Paladin Sentinel monitoring system.  I was doing my due diligence removing a monitoring policy we experimented with after our last major system upgrade, but didn’t provide any value to us or you.

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