The reality of many K-12 school districts is that you either have handed out or are handing out laptops to teachers and critical staff to get through this quarantine. All those great tools you had been using: WSUS, SCCM, and KACE are now functionally useless for those remote users.
Tech Tidbit – Two ways to sanely maintain remote endpoints
Weekly Tech Tidbit – Secure Remote Access
As I write this on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, I do hope that this message finds you well and staying safe as we all adapt to our new normal under the COVID-19 regulations. We all hope this lasts as short a time as possible. Rest assured that the team at CSI seamlessly transitioned into our […]
CSI Tech Talk – Active Directory Cleanup Best Practices – Recording Available
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Weekly Tech Tidbit – VPN Access for your staff could be a hacker’s delight. Are you prepared?
These have been extraordinary times for the world, our country, our school districts and our families. We are implementing remote learning plans and remote access plans to keep the district functioning in this time of social distancing, crowd restrictions and mandated closings.
Weekly Tech Tidbit – NIST Significantly Changes Password Recommendations
Earlier this month, on March 2, NIST formalized a significant number of changes to its password recommendations as part of the final release of its updated Digital Identify Guidelines document or NIST publication SP 800-63-3. The full document which includes three additional sister documents (800-63A, 800-63B & 800-63C) is here: https://csrc.
Weekly Tech Tidbit Extra – VPN Best Practices
As part of our client school district’s response for Corona virus preparedness, we see an uptick in requests for VPN access into the school district’s networks. With the potential increase in VPN users and remote connections into your district’s systems, we thought now would be a good time to remind you of a few best practices […]
Weekly Tech Tidbit – Running A School in the age of Coronavirus. Testing Anytime, Anyplace Access
This morning I read the headline that a second New York school district has shutdown over Coronavirus concerns. The question becomes how does a school district function if school is closed for an extended period of time? Besides the obvious impacts to teaching and learning there is a whole lot of back office processes that […]
Weekly Tech Tidbit – If you woke up and LDAP authentication were dead, what would you do?
Microsoft has announced they are tightening the security standards for LDAP communications on Microsoft Active Directory networks. This has huge implications as there are so many things in a typical school district’s use that require some form of LDAP communication.
Weekly Tech Tidbit – Happy Holidays. When in doubt lie …. and calibrate your UPSes
Happy Holidays. As we go through the last full school week before the holiday break, I have a couple of quick professional and personal thoughts: You should use the holiday break to re-calibrate your UPSes. Remember Smart UPSes need periodic re-calibration.
Weekly Tech Tidbit – “You will be breached. Plan for failure of your systems. It is all about the backup”
The Cybersecurity news has been pretty depressing over the last week. I read an article that a Cybersecurity insurance company is refusing to pay for a Merck breach incident because it is NotPetya and that is from Russia and was designed as a cyber warfare tool.