There is a new, growing attack surface that is becoming increasingly dangerous to your network operations—the cloud, specifically your Google Apps or Microsoft 365 cloud instances. I have read commentary that M365 is believed to have the greater attack surface.
Tech Tidbit – How to protect the cloud on a budget…
Tech Tidbit – Welcome Back!
Welcome back! This summer flew by, and my summer vacation seems like a distant memory. In my 44 years of helping schools open for the new school year, this one was different. Several districts suspended all major work the last week of August. This was a summer of busy projects.
Tech Tidbit – Second Opinions
A year ago, my very short wife sat in a restaurant during March Madness on a bar stool that was too tall for her. The result was that while getting down off the stool, she blew out a disk in her back and was in tremendous pain. We went to a local ortho walk-in clinic.
Tech Tidbit – You cannot respond to what you cannot see – Visibility
You already know that “all” in security protection is vitally important. You need all your endpoints and servers protected with something. Hopefully, that something is EDR, MDR, and XDR products like CSI’s CSEDR powered by SentinelOne, CSMDR powered by Blackpoint plus SentinelOne, or CSI’s Managed XDR service powered by BlueShift Cybersecurity.
Using CPGs in Real Life – Minimize Exposures to Common Attacks
Would you be comfortable giving your plumber the key to your house so he/she can come in at any time to fix anything they might feel is amiss? The answer is probably no. Did you know that when you give a vendor unfettered access to your network you are essentially doing the same thing? Similarly, […]
Tech Tidbit – Be Sure To Check That Your Door’s Are Locked Before You Leave For Spring Break
Happy Spring! As Spring break looms for most of you, I once again need to be a killjoy and remind you of a stark reality. Whenever you and your team are enjoying some downtime and have more limited staffing, the bad guys are working extra shifts trying to break into your and your peer’s networks.
Tech Tidbit – Are You Caught in Groundhog’s Day?
‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it’ -George Santayana From his work; Life of Reason, Reason in Common Sense 1905 You have so many tasks you “must do” to keep your district safe.
Tech Tidbit – What I am seeing on the vulnerability front
We have had several districts come online with CSI’s CyberCNS Vulnerability Advisory Service. That has given me a substantial amount of vulnerability reports to sift through. One of the nice features of our service is that the vulnerability report not only shows the vulnerabilities, where they are, and how to resolve them, but it also […]
CSI’s 8th Annual Cybersecurity Event – Last Days To Register!
Cyber risk is growing every day. In 2022 K-12 education was the single most targeted industry for ransomware. CSI wants to get you the information you need to know. Spend a day learning about the cybersecurity threats and data privacy challenges facing schools today and how they could impact your district.
Tech Tidbit – It starts with Security Awareness Training
One thing that became very clear to me over the summer is that the bad guys are being very intentional in formulating attacks against your districts and more specifically your users. If you have been to past CSI Cybersecurity Events, you have heard the FBI and others talk about how the ransomware business is in […]