How to troubleshoot slow backup of a remote NetWare server with Backup Exec for Windows Servers
What’s New In Exchange 2010 SP2
How to migrate file shares to SharePoint 2010
Old Java versions breed new security exploits
Old Java versions breed new security exploits
If You Have Older Versions Of Symantec Backup Exec, Please Read This Important Announcement
Many technology hardware and software vendors take a very hard-line on support contracts. No support or maintenance contracts means no support. Some vendors will sell you “per incident” support. Some won’t. With software vendors you also get into the issue of software upgrades being tied to software maintenance.
DNS Server service does not resolve some external DNS names after it works for a while in Windows Server 2008 R2
Data Center Rack Design Best Practice
A well designed rack environment would include cold aisles (in front of the equipment with the AC vents) and hot aisles (behind the equipment with the air returns). Then the racks would have no gaps between the rack mounted equipment. If there are gaps between the equipment, then spacers are added to block air flow.
Microsoft Releases Out of Band Security Update 12/29/11
Shadow Copy issue